Category Archives: love

London is a different city…

Having lived in Chichester (a derelict city on the south coast of England) my whole life, my eyes have been opened with the decision to move to one of the largest cities in the World, London.

Movie scenes become a reality. Famous landmarks become a common site. Borris bikes become a common means of transportation… The purpose of this blog is to highlight how important it is to realise, right now, how lucky we ALL are to be where we are. Why? Well, personally I’m moving back to Chichester in 3 days, away from the ‘big city’ to try and fulfil an ambition – something in my eyes that we should all do, no matter the risk… Between you and I, I will genuinely miss the ‘big city’.


Whether it’s sitting eating that roast dinner on a Sunday with the family, or shrugging into work on a Monday morning (something we all say we HATE, but secretly we enjoy moaning about it more)… Truth be told, if you’re reading this, there will be aspects of your life that are constantly changing – where we live, relationships, friends, personal health. As deep as it may seem, all these factors at some point will change.

So, rather than looking at your life with a pessimistic approach, upset with the world around you. Hold on to the great things you do have, as we ALL have things that we should be proud of. You don’t need me to point these out, maybe it’s the close friend that picks you up when you’re down, the loving family that will always stick by your side, or maybe the self-belief that you know you can plough through any personal battle.

Hold on to these. Wake up thinking of these. Go to sleep thinking of these. Because one day, you may wake and not have these items that are simply disregarded in everyday life. We should all feel lucky to be who we are? No. We should all feel happy in who we are… Yes.

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Missing friends, missing family

Think back. Back to the first memory you can recall. Since then, as I’m sure is the case with all, you’ve seen many faces come and go. Faces that, once, were a major influence on who you have become today. However, we grow, as individuals, and attempt to mould ourselves into the dream we once had and forget those closest to us. Eventually, we let them fade away.

Our values should change. Our confidence, self-esteem, humour, social means are all down to those we grew up with. The friends you were with to try your first drop of alcohol. The nerves when you’re queuing up to get into your first nightclub, and your friends are the one’s guiding you through what to do. “Harry, what’s your name?”. “Harry what’s your postcode”…… The people you opened your GCSE’s with. Even the people who leave you heartbroken, chilled and alone. As again, it is those closest that replenish this confidence. This belief in ourselves to pick ourselves up, and move on. Without my friends, I would not be where I am. I can relate to all these, and they’ve been at my side. As your friends, will always be at yours.

Each and every one of us knows who those closest to us are. We forget how much we all rely on them. Without, there would be holes in our lives, non repairable as we’ve been set in our ways for so long with the people we love.

It doesn’t take much to keep tact the friendships we gain as we grow older. Always keep those closest close. When all said and done, these people are not friends, they are family. It may be easy to sometimes let our dreams slip out of our grasp, but lets make sure our grasp is tightly shut around those closest.

“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies”


Golf Intuition